Some have asked what is BarnCat Designs? A better question might be who is BarnCat Designs. Well it’s a one man show run by me, Rod Mochoruk. I started BarnCat back in 2007 to fulfill a life long passion of building and creating things, for lack of a better word. I’ve always enjoyed drawing, model making and making music. As a child I remember making cool forts out of the large boxes the fridge and stove came in as well as a beauty of a car out of the vacuum cleaner box. At 9 years old such details as an opening door with a handle and windows with saran wrap for glass was pretty ingenious, or so I thought. Lego and Maccano were also a big part of my childhood; I could be entertained for hours making cars, planes or musical instruments.
The natural progression for me was of course wood working. Now that I was a tad older I could use dad’s tools thinking I was a master carpenter. So with lots of trial and error and a few minor medical incidents I acquired adequate woodworking skills. Even though I found that I was not quite the master I originally thought I was, I was still hooked. Over the years I challenged myself with a bedroom
set, an artist’s art display, many book shelves and a few hope chests.
Then one day in my mid 30’s I was watching a show on metal art and sculpture and was fascinated. I had seen this type of work before but for some reason this time I was in total awe of the work the artist was doing. It was some sort of abstract thing but it was great. “I want to do that!” I said to myself. So eventually I bought a small 110v mig welder, got a few how to books on the subject and went to work. I now have BarnCat Designs and enjoy creating every day..